Useful Information Section
As a professional working in East Dunbartonshire you are likely to come into contact with a growing number of people living with dementia. There is an increase in the availability of research papers, guidelines and toolkits that can help you in your role, this section signposts to some of these.
Good care and support for people with dementia is underpinned by ongoing learning and sharing of good practice. If you come across information you think might be useful when supporting people with dementia please forward this to the East Dunbartonshire Dementia Network, we will endeavour to add relevant information to this section.
Using Technology to Support People with Dementia
Using ICT in Activities for People with Dementia. A short guide for social care providers, SCIE 2012
Helping Older Residents Keep Active
The Care Inspectorate in partnership with the British Heart Foundation National Centre for Physical Activity and Health at Loughborough University, has launched a multi-media Resource Pack to support those who work in the care sector encourage physical activity as part of every resident’s daily life.
Changing Attitudes to Dementia
Guys and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust has created this film, Barbara, The Whole Story which highlights how small changes can improve the person with dementia’s experience of receiving care.
Promoting Continence for People with Dementia and Long-term Conditions
Resources which highlight the fundamental and essential care and support required to give people the opportunity to remain continent and maximise their quality of life.