Health and Social Care Integration

Health and social care services are now integrated in East Dunbartonshire and are provided by the East Dunbartonshire Heath and Social Care Partnership (HSCP)

Put simply, integration means that GPs, hospitals, social workers, health workers, social care staff and other work as one team to reduce the barriers between services, putting the needs of people who use these services first.

Up till now, services have been planned and organised by the Health Board and the Council.  Integration brings these services together into a single Partnership, with one overall manager, a combined budget, working to one strategic plan.

A new Joint Board has been set up to manage services from September 2015.  This Integration Joint Board (IJB) includes three Councillors and three non-executive members of Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board.  It also involves a range of professional advisors, service providers, staff representatives and people who use services and carers, family and friends, who will be more involved in their own care and support arrangements and in developing and improving services.