Day Opportunities for Older People
We all need the opportunity to get out of the house during the day in order to meet other people and gain stimulation from a range of activities. At a day care centre you can take part in a range of activities and enjoy outings too. East Dunbartonshire Council Social Work Services commission Day Centre and Day Opportunites for Older People and Charges for Non-residential Services apply. You can also contact OPAL 0141 438 2347 for information and advice on a variety of day opportunities you can access without referral.
Day Opportunities
You can find specific dementia day opportunities by visiting Accessing Community Support or by contacting the East Dunbartonshire Dementia Network.
These services are provided on an assessed need basis. You can self-refer for assessment or, if you prefer, you can ask someone else to request an assessment on your behalf, eg. your GP, Link Worker, Advocacy Worker or Community Psychiatric Nurse. During an assessment you will be visited at home to talk about what help and support you need. If you wish your partner, carer, relative, friend or Advocacy Worker can be involved in this discussion. East Dunbartonshire Council also runs a Day Care Service, Anand Bhavan, to meet the needs of residents from the BME (Black and Minority Ethnic) Communities. This is available to those meeting the eligibility criteria for services following assessment.
You might want to access services provided by the voluntary sector in your area too; many of these have no cost. You might prefer to arrange for a Befriender to call at your home and accompany you to an activity that you are keen to do on your own. Contact Befriending at EDVA (East Dunbartonshire Voluntary Action) on 0141 578 6680.
Carers can also benefit from the person they care for going to day opportunities as this can allow them time to deal with day to day matters or to pursue their own interests if this is feasible. See Carers’ Health and Wellbeing.