Making Life Easier
10 Tips for a Person Living with Dementia
- Put a regular routine in place – do things at the same time each day or week
- Keep things straightforward – simplify your routine or daily tasks to make them more manageable
- Take things one step at a time – try to focus on one thing at a time and break each task down into a step-by-step process ….Read more
10 Tips for a Carer Supporting a Person with Dementia
- Find out more about dementia and local support from Carers Link, meeting other carers can be a positive experience. Carers Link produce a quarterly publication called ‘What’s On’.
- Don’t hesitate to ask for help from family and friends or to accept it when it is offered
- Communicate Well with the person with dementia ….Read more
10 Tips to Help a Family with Dementia
- Stay in touch- show you care. A card, a call or a visit mean a lot.
- Treat the person with respect and dignity. Focus on what the person can do, not what they can’t. Communicate Well with the person with dementia
- Do the little things. Cook a meal or run an errand….Read more
10 Tips for Working with a Person with Dementia
- Treat the person with dementia with dignity and respect
- Recognise they may need a little longer to think things over
- Refer the person’s carer for carer support at Carers Link….Read more
10 Tips for Organisations to Create a Dementia-friendly Community in East Dunbartonshire