Maintain your Independence

Living with dementia can be challenging and you may feel angry or frustrated about what’s happening to you. Your life plans might change, but dementia doesn’t change who you are.  You will want to feel safe, have things to do, see people, stay as well as you can, choose where and how you want to live, and make some Plans for the Future.   A diagnosis of dementia doesn’t mean you have to stop doing the things that you enjoy, but you might need to do them in a different way.  Life will mean finding a balance between maintaining your independence and self-determination, and taking steps so that you have adequate and sensitive protection in the future. If you have recently been diagnosed with dementia you may have a Link Worker.  You will be able to discuss your thoughts for the future with them and have these incorporated into your Personal Support Plan.  You also have the right to access independent advocacy from Ceartas.  Independent Advocates help you to make your voice heard, they do not work for hospitals, doctors or social work services, and the service is free.

Things you can do to build your confidence:

Alzheimer Scotland Dementia Circle aims to find, test and share everyday products that can help people with Dementia stay independent for longer in their own homes.

‘Here and Now’ (2014)    East Dunbartonshire Council approached Alzheimer Scotland asking them to evaluate how people with dementia receiving their services felt about living in East Dunbartonshire. Here are their views.