10 Tips for a Carer Supporting a Person with Dementia
- Find out more about dementia and local support from Carers Link, meeting other carers can be a positive experience. Carers Link produce a quarterly publication called ‘What’s On’
- Don’t hesitate to ask for help from family and friends or to accept it when it is offered
- Communicate Well with the person with dementia
- Ensure you get regular Respite and Short Breaks from your caring role
- Maintain your Own Health and Wellbeing for your caring role
- Help the person with dementia establish a daily and weekly routine
- Taking part in activities with a person with dementia can help maintain a good relationship and offers a break from your everyday caring routine so try to Access Community Support
- Help the person with dementia Stay Safe
- Stock up the freezer with meals for days when you are too tired to cook from scratch or order meals from Wiltshire Farm Foods or another online food ordering service
- The Dementia Services Development Centre at Stirling University has produced a 10 Helpful Hints for Carers booklet which is available for purchase