Other Supports
OPAL provides Information and Advice for Adults in East Dunbartonshire, it is a single point of contact for adults in East Dunbartonshire. OPAL puts adults in East Dunbartonshire in contact with a wide variety of information and services. Contact 0141 438 2347. The Line is open Monday to Friday from 9.30am – 4.30pm.
East Dunbartonshire Directory of Older People Services provides information on services available to older people in East Dunbartonshire.
Homecare Support to assist you to manage in your own home and retain the skills you have. Contact Customer Services on 0300 123 4510 and ask for Homecare.
Care at Home Services There are many organisations which provide care at home in East Dunbartonshire including providing personal care, household cleaning and shopping, more information is available from the East Dunbartonshire Dementia Network on 0141 775 0433 or from OPAL 0141 438 2347.
Hourcare 24 and Telecare Service community alarms and other assistive technology. Contact 0141 776 8046
Assisted Living Show Flat The latest in home technology equipment for independent living for service users, carers and care professionals. Auchinairn Gate, Bishopbriggs. Book an appointment for a free demonstration. Contact Customer Services on For more information or to visit the flat contact Customer Services on 0300 123 4510 and ask for Telecare.
Befriending Plus Befriending is a supported relationship between two people: the person who wishes a befriender and a trained volunteer. Contact East Dunbartonshire Voluntary Action on 0141 578 6680
Care and Repair Service Provides support to people aged 70 and over, and 60 and over with a disability or long term illness. The agency provides advice and assistance on all home repairs and improvements, can carry out small repairs in your home, undertake home safety checks and facilitate larger scaled works including securing grant funding. Contact 0141 578 0156
Care of Gardens Scheme A service to help you to take care of your garden if you are unable to look after it yourself.
Blue Badge and Disabled Parking is a national arrangement of parking concessions designed to help people who are unable to walk, or who are virtually unable to walk, to travel independently, as either a driver, or as a passenger, by allowing them to park close to their destination.