Access Community Support

It is important to stay connected to your community and have the opportunity to access information and support when you need it. East Dunbartonshire is working towards becoming Dementia Friendly, a dementia friendly community is one which enables people to find their way around and be safe, be able to access familiar local facilities and stay connected. There is an East Dunbartonshire Assets Map where you will find a range of community assets (resources, places, activities and businesses) that have been identified by members of your community as useful for their wellbeing.

Peer Support for People with Dementia

People with dementia and their carers say that peer support groups are important as they provide opportunities to speak to other people in a similar situation and provide social interaction, which often is much needed.  In East Dunbartonshire we have five Dementia Cafes (De Cafes) which provides the opportunity for peer support for more information contact Ceartas on 0141 775 0433. There is a Peer Support for People with Dementia Resource Pack developed by Health Innovation Network South London which helps groups and organisations to better support people with dementia in their communities.

Community Care Services

Community Care Services which are provided by East Dunbartonshire Council are subject to an Eligibility Criteria. These services are based on care needs which have been identified following an assessment carried out by Health or Social Work staff.  There are limited resources which are prioritised to those in greatest need. To make a referral or for further information contact East Dunbartonshire Council on 0300 123 4510 and ask for Social Work. Carers’ needs can also be assessed, contact Carers Link on 0800 975 2131 for more information.

Self Directed Support

Self Directed Support is a way of organising care and support for people who are eligible for social care.  It can enable them to have greater choice in how their care is delivered and the level of control that they wish to have over this. This can be organised by the person themselves or by a Power of Attorney or Guardian who has been given powers to do this on the person’s behalf.

Day Opportunities within East Dunbartonshire

Day opportunities are services for people with increased care needs. These services provide a safe, stimulating environment for the person with dementia and also respite for carers. Access to these services can either be via an assessment of need carried out by Health or Social Work (contact 0300 123 4510) or by purchasing a privately funded place.

There are also specialist dementia day opportunities for those with a diagnosis of dementia, these are accessed solely via assessment. More information is available from Social Work on 0141 355 2200 or at

East Dunbartonshire Council also runs a Day Care Service at Milan to meet the needs of residents from the BME (Black and Minority Ethnic) communities. This is available to those meeting the eligibility criteria for services following assessment. Contact 0300 123 4510 for more information.

Other Supports

In addition there are Other Supports you can access without having to be assessed; these include a dedicated telephone helpline for adults in East Dunbartonshire (OPAL) 0141 438 2347 and a range of services delivered by the East Dunbartonshire Dementia Network. There is also information on Wellbeing and Leisure.

Co-production in East Dunbartonshire

Co-production in East Dunbartonshire is about professionals and communities making better use of each other’s skills, assets and resources to achieve better outcomes. PRESENT is about giving people living with dementia a stronger presence in their local communities.  To become involved get in touch through Dementia Voices on 0141 775 0433 or contact East Dunbartonshire Council on 0300 123 4510 and ask for Social Work.