Reminiscence Therapy and Life Story Work

Reminiscence therapy involves talking about things from the past, using prompts such as photos, familiar objects or music.  It stimulates the person’s autobiographical memory, memory for their life experiences and in so doing, may assist maintenance of identity, self-esteem and wellbeing.

Life Story Work is usually shared between the person with dementia and a family member, friend or support worker.  A scrapbook or photo album is used to record details of the person’s life experiences, values and beliefs.

Memory Groups and Workshops

For the newly diagnosed ask your Community Psychiatric Nurse or Link Worker about Supported Self Management, Memory Groups and Cognitive Stimulation Therapy available as appropriate at the Woodlands Resource Centre or Glenkirk Centre.

Reminiscence Resources

Alzheimer Scotland Activities Library  A practical resource which aims to promote improved wellbeing and mental health for people with dementia. It will achieve this through the availability of suitable and age appropriate activity equipment for hire for short periods of time that will help people to continue current skills, relearn old skills or gain new skills. These activity items will help to stimulate the person and supplement any Cognitive Stimulation Therapy that the person may have undertaken.

East Dunbartonshire Photo Library shows some interesting photographs which could be useful conversation starters or reminiscing.