Coping with Memory Loss
If you are concerned about your memory it is always best to speak to your GP. The East Dunbartonshire Dementia Network can offer support and information to help you deal with the impact of memory loss.
Memory loss can be distressing and undermine your confidence. Support from those close to you can be invaluable in enabling you to cope with the challenges memory loss might bring. You do not have to manage alone.
There are also practical things that can help your individual situation. You might try some of the following:
Key Points
- Talk to your GP
- Practical Tips to Help
- Use of Technology
- Memory Groups
- Keep a notebook or large ‘week to view’ diary
- Write down things you want to remember, such as names birthdays, appointments and to-do-lists
- Keep the diary by the kettle or phone, so you get used to referring to it
- Put labels or pictures in cupboards to help remind you where things are
- You could keep frequently used items – a cup, plate and cutlery – out on a table
- Keep items you need eg. keys, glasses, wallets or purses in the same place eg. a bowl or drawer
- Place useful telephone numbers by the phone
- Consider putting important phone numbers into a speed dial either on your home phone or mobile phone
- Set up a white board in a place that you can see on a regular basis for you, and others, to write down important information that will help you in day-to-day living
- If you find it helps, put a note on the door to remind yourself to lock up at night
- Ask your pharmacist about putting your pills in a blister pack which has the days of the week marked on it
Find out more about Coping with Memory Loss in this factsheet from the Alzheimer Society.
Assistive Technology
Some people find technological aids benefit them greatly and maintain independence. Technological aids people find useful include:
- Reminder messages – when you go in or out of the house, a recorded voice reminds you to pick up your keys or lock the front door
- Calendar clocks – these show the date and the day of the week. Keeping the clock next to a diary or weekly planner can help you orientate yourself when checking appointments
- Locator devices – these can help you find frequently mislaid items such as keys. You attach a small electronic tag to the item. If you mislay it, you can click a button on the locator device to make the tag beep
Find out about Assistive Technology in this factsheet from the Alzheimer Society.
Memory loss can have a detrimental effect on your confidence and managing everyday tasks can become more difficult. There are ways to help with this, read our Stay Safe page for useful advice.
Memory Groups and Workshops
For people newly diagnosed with dementia ask your Community Psychiatric Nurse or Link Worker about Supported Self Management or Memory Groups at the Woodlands Resource Centre or Glenkirk Centre. Cognitive Stimulation Therapy may be available to those with mild/moderate dementia. More information is available via the Woodlands Resource Centre or Glenkirk Centre.